Sampling Swiss Fields for Lotus corniculatus symbionts
To assess the biodiversity of rhizobia across soils of Switzerland, we selected Lotus corniculatus as a trapping hosts.

Probing fields of Côte d’Ivoire for pigeonpea symbionts
In our recent review (Teulet et al. 2022), we described how Type Three Secretion Systems (T3SS) of rhizobia and the effector proteins (T3Es) they secrete determine the outcome of symbiotic associations with legume hosts.

Roles of T3SS in Symbiosis – A Review
In our recent review (Teulet et al. 2022), we described how Type Three Secretion Systems (T3SS) of rhizobia and the effector proteins (T3Es) they secrete determine the outcome of symbiotic associations with legume hosts.

Swiss Microbial Ecology Meeting 2023
On January 18 to 20, 2023, the 8th Swiss Microbial Ecology Meeting (SME) took place in Mendrisio, Ticino.

Impact of NifQ deletion on symbiosis
When the nifQ gene of Sinorhizobium fredii strain NGR234 is deleted, nitrogen-fixing nodules of several plant species turn a darker red. Read why !